Thank you to the staff at Clark County Public Schools for hosting a wonderful breakfast!
Rebecca Campomanes cuts the ribbon delebrating Wink Design’s membership into the Winchester-Clark County Chamber of Commerce. Wink Design, located in Winchester, offers graphic design and creative assistance for small businesses, non-profits, and individuals. For more information contact (859) 667-2787 or visit @w.nkdesign on Facebook and Instagram
Thank you to Clark Regional Medical Center and Bluegrass Community and Technical College for hosting a heart-healthy breakfast and offering a FREE community CPR class in honor of American Heart Month and National Wear Red Day. Medical professionals demonstrated hands-only CPR, sharing a simple yet life-saving skill with attendees. We appreciate their commitment to community…
Trish Torline cuts the ribbon celebrating Heartstrings Songwriters Circle membership into the Winchester-Clark County Chamber of Commerce. Heartstrings Songwriters Circle Showcase located at The Hall Coffee and Social Club is a live music event that celebrates the craft of songwriting and the story trees that connect us through music. The showcase happens on the 4th Thursday of the month 7:00 to…